Hays County Physical Therapy and Wellness

How to Fit a Work Out Into Your Busy Schedule

By now I’m sure you’re well aware of the benefits related to daily cardio, stretching, and resistance activities. Not only does your heart get a massive health-boost, but your entire body feels more supple and strong; your immune system is strengthened and you generally feel better. So, if you know all this, and have most … Read more

When Can I lift again after having my baby?

If you are like many women, you want to know when you can get back to what you were doing before you had your child? Maybe you did CrossFit, HIIT workouts, yoga, or you went to boot camp style workouts. Maybe you lifted weights at home or did home videos and are wondering, is it … Read more

Diastasis Recti

Some women and a few men, after having a child or after a period of excessive weight gain and loss, have a residual separation of the abdominal muscles called a diastasis recti. During pregnancy or with excessive abdominal weight gain, the extra stretching and pressure in the abdomen can create a separation of the abdominal … Read more

Pelvic Floor: What is that and why should you care?

The pelvic floor is getting a lot more attention than it used to, especially when talking about the prenatal and postpartum journey. What in the world is the pelvic floor and why should you care about the pelvic floor muscles? The pelvic floor is a basket or sling of muscles that sit in your pelvis … Read more

Breathe? What do you mean? Don’t I already do that?

In our last post we recommended breathing as step one in the postpartum journey back to a regular fitness routine. Seems pretty straight forward, we all know how to breathe, right? Yes and no. Take a moment and check in with your breath. If you’re sitting down, take a minute to become aware of your … Read more


Hello, welcome to Hays County Physical Therapy and Wellness where we help individuals of Hays County quickly recover from pain and injury to return to the activities they love. Why Hays County Physical Therapy and Wellness? After years working in practices with an emphasis on insurance, Dr. Laird, physical therapist and owner, decided she was … Read more