Hays County Physical Therapy and Wellness

What is Piriformis Syndrome and What Can You do About it?

Getting injured can really set your exercise and fitness routine back a notch! And worst of all… it can be a total pain in the butt in more ways than one. You may have heard of piriformis syndrome before, or perhaps you’re just curious – either way, we’re here to tell you what it is, … Read more

Returning to Weightlifting After Baby: A Place to Start

Returning to weightlifting after baby seems simple, right? You were active before, this is a familiar exercise and familiar movements, so it should be easy. You may be thinking, “I can just start at a lower weight or lower reps and I’ll be ok. I was fit and strong before and during my pregnancy, so … Read more

Can you still exercise with pelvic organ prolapse?

Absolutely!!! Now, don’t get me wrong, we may need to make some small modifications and give you some new tools/tips/tricks to use while you’re exercising, however, I don’t ever want to tell anyone that they can’t do something. Just know that we may have to change the way something is done or modify to meet … Read more

Getting those abs working again after baby

This is the number one thing I hear, “When will I get my abs back? How do I get my abs back? How do I get abs?” Maybe that’s the second most common complaint next to back and hip pain, but it’s all related to the abdominal muscles. Without a strong core, you will not … Read more

Back Pain Got You Down?

The number one thing that people complain of is back pain. No matter how old, how young, how fit, or how strong someone is, at some point in his or her life, back pain creeps up. It can be just a small “twinge” to something that takes you out for weeks at a time leaving … Read more

How to Fit a Work Out Into Your Busy Schedule

By now I’m sure you’re well aware of the benefits related to daily cardio, stretching, and resistance activities. Not only does your heart get a massive health-boost, but your entire body feels more supple and strong; your immune system is strengthened and you generally feel better. So, if you know all this, and have most … Read more

When Can I lift again after having my baby?

If you are like many women, you want to know when you can get back to what you were doing before you had your child? Maybe you did CrossFit, HIIT workouts, yoga, or you went to boot camp style workouts. Maybe you lifted weights at home or did home videos and are wondering, is it … Read more